


Describe a time when something made you happy.

     IELTS Speaking Cue Card :

Topic : Describe a time when something made you happy.

You should Say :

  • what was it
  • when did it happen
  • where did it happen

Solution :

I can remember many happy times of my life and out of those , I would like to talk about the time that I can still remember vividly regarding my success in the board exam. The moment I heard that I had been awarded a scholarship based on my performance in the board exam, I became the happiest man in the world.

This was indeed a very happy moment for me as it is something I was looking forward to achieving and the news made my parents quite happy and proud.

I spend almost a month with great anxiety regarding my result publication. I started speculating so many things and many of them were negative. I could hardly keep away the tensions about my upcoming result. The result was so important that my college admission would mostly depend on it.

I could not sleep well in the night before the result publishing. I think this is a common anxiety for students and I was familiar with this type of anxiety. However, this particular exam results gave me more nightmares than any other time of my life.

The result was published at around 11.00 am and I found that I did exceptionally well. I was so relieved and happy that I literally shouted. Then I hurriedly came back to our home and gave the news to my parents. They were happy too.

My father bought sweets and my mother gave it to our neighbours. I felt excited, happy and relieved. At that time I was about 16 Years old. It happened in our hometown  called Mohali.

     Follow up Questions :

  • Do you agree that money is a source of happiness?

       Well, certainly, money brings joy and happiness in a person's life.

  • What are your views on Happiness?

       I think happiness is a mixture of several things. A person needs             money to become happy. However, he needs the company of other         humans to enjoy that money.

  • Do you think people can be happy because of their work ?

      Of course, if a person loves his job, it is certainly a  source of                  happiness. I, for instance, love my work at Google and feel happy          and satisfied after a day's work.

  • Where or how should people find happiness ?

       I think people should find happiness in moments they spend with           their friends, colleagues, clients and family members.

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